‘It’s worth every penny’


At 56, Robyn is financially secure. Here’s how she got there, with the help of one adviser for the past 14 years

Leadership coach Robyn McLelland has been working with her financial adviser for 14 years and says the advice she has received has been worth every penny.

Robyn, 56, lives in southwest London. She sought advice from Emily Turgoose at Life Matters in 2006 when she had been separated from her husband for two years and wanted to make sure she was in good financial shape for the future. As a parent of two daughters (now aged 27 and 19), it was important for her to know she could handle any unexpected expenses.

First, Emily helped Robyn to consolidate her pensions and investments in one place, where they were easier to follow. She also recommended insurance that would give Robyn an income or pay her mortgage in case of long-term illness. “This all gave me the peace of mind I needed,” says Robyn.

In 2016, Robyn took redundancy from an employer she had been with for 27 years, receiving a significant sum, and again called on Emily’s expertise. She cleared a large chunk of her mortgage and successfully started her own business that more than replaced her income from her previous employment.

Last year Robyn took Emily’s advice once more, to access more cash to help her daughters and clear the rest of her mortgage. She transferred her employer pension to a personal pension, providing her with flexibility and the potential to add to the financial legacy she will leave her daughters.

Being mortgage-free allowed her to reduce the hours she worked while maintaining her lifestyle with a sense of security and helping her daughters pay the costs of their education. She also no longer needs to pay insurance premiums protecting mortgage payments.

“It’s been such a comfort over the years to have Emily to call on,” says Robyn. “She’s steered me through divorce, redundancy, setting up my own company and helping me to leave a legacy for my girls.”

Emily says: “Financial advice is unique to each individual and can help you live the life you want to lead. Robyn is a great example of how financial planning can provide security now and in years to come.”


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