It Is Such A Relief

A new house and security for their children… Seeking advice was a win-win, say this couple

Dr Sarah and Dr Warren Sherliker were first prompted to see a financial adviser by family members. Even though they didn’t have a specific outcome in mind, they wanted reassurance that they were making good choices.

They chose Ben Cordiner at Cordiner Wealth. As the financial adviser to Sarah’s parents and grandparents, he had a trusted relationship with the family. He helped them build a plan that gives an overview of their financial position now and in the future. Sarah says: “It’s a massive sense of relief because it’s given us the confidence to buy our dream house, knowing we can afford it and it’s not a daft thing to have done. It’s helped us know we’re doing the best for the kids too.”

Ben has also worked with the couple on retirement planning, putting protection in place, monitoring savings and investments, and improving their tax efficiency. One common barrier to advice is cost, but Warren says the benefits and savings justify the expenditure: “These people are professional experts, and yes, they charge a fee, but you’re more than likely to save at least that much in the long run. So why wouldn’t you?”

The couple add that one of the biggest benefits is that the adviser will take the time to explain their recommendations. Sarah says: “We’re never just totally reliant on him giving us the right advice. He explains why and what the implications are. Ultimately, the decisions are ours, but he helps us understand something that can often seem very complex.”

The couple see Ben at least once a year to keep their finances on track.


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